Answered By: Sarah New
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2023     Views: 5710

Short answer:

Use an EZ Proxy link (recommended).

  1. Use our custom links found in the Law Library A to Z List

    [For ebooks and databases covering non-law disciplines, visit the UVA Libraries list or use Virgo.]
  2. The link will take you to UVa's Netbadge login screen. Follow the instructions for logging in.
  3. Netbadge will then automatically redirect you to the database or ebook you requested, which will recognize you as a logged in user.



More detailed answer:

The VPN option and EZ Proxy with Google Scholar.

Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law use individual passwords and can be accessed from any site, on grounds or off. Most other library databases, including HeinOnline, require you to follow special access instructions. Visit Off-Grounds Access to Databases to learn about the two options that are available to you, the EZProxy method and UVA-Anywhere VPN method.

Which method should I choose?

Both methods have their uses. EZProxy is very easy because it requires only a one-time set-up of a security certificate, whereas UVA-Anywhere requires additional set-up steps.

EZProxy requires special proxy urls in order to access resources. These are found on our databases page, on the UVA Libraries database pages, and in VIRGO, our online catalog. The first time you access one of these resources during a research session, you'll need to log on to our EZProxy server through Netbadge. (If you've never used Netbadge from the browser you're using, you'll be prompted to install a security certificate.)

You can also use EZProxy to access licensed content you discover using Google Scholar, but you must begin your Google Scholar session using its EZProxy url, which is on the Law Library Databases webpage: 

Otherwise, you won't see any "Find at UVA" links in your search results.

For any article link you find on the web or an email alerting service that you know is available through a UVA-subscribed database, you can access it with EZProxy by adding the prefix -- 

-- before the link.


Google Scholar to EZProxy Link Example:

A footnote in a PDF article you're reading online provides this link to an article in HeinOnline:


To access this link from off-Grounds, you would reconstruct it in your browser's address window like this: